The elderly population (60+) in India is a fast growing phenomenon. In India, the culture of sending elderly persons to Old Age Home is fast developing. In 2002, of the total 1018 old age homes in India registered with the Help Age India, 186 are from Kerala. The old age population in 1961 was 25.6 million while after 30 years i.e., in 1991 it was more than double which comes to 56.7 million. In percentage terms it was 5.83% in 1961, 8.82% in 1991 and 9.79% in 2001 which is much higher than in other states. It is also to be noted that majority of old age people in Kerala are widows. In 1991, among the old age people in the range of 60-69, 53.8% are widows and among those above 70 years it comes to 69.20 percent.
By 2021, about 20 percent of our population would be elderly and the demand on the social security system would be really enormous.So, it is very important to remember that social security to the senior citizens is not charity instead it is their basic human right.