Educational Assistance to Children of Women Headed Families

The number of women headed families in Kerala is very high. Majority of these families are living in deplorable conditions. The scheme proposes to     extend a helping hand to these families by way of providing financial assistance to the education of children. This is a one-time assistance.

Funding Pattern 

State Government


Children of Women Headed Families


Category I

Children below 5 years & between 1st and 5th standard : Rs 300 per month

Category II

Between 6th & 10th standard: Rs 500 per month

Category III

Plus one, Plus two: Rs 750 per month

Category IV

Degree and above :Rs 1000 per month

Eligibility Criteria

1) BPL Family - (HIV/AIDS affected persons, socially discriminated persons, war widows etc are eligible irrespective of their BPL status)

2) Only two children of a family are eligible

3) The child who avail any other scholarship is not eligible for the assistance. A certificate to this has to be obtained from the head of educational institution where the child studies

How to Avail

The applications are collected by Child Development Project Officers through Anganwadi Workers and will be forwarded to the District Social Justice Offices


Target Group



GOs Educational Assistance to Children of Women Headed Families- Govt Order
Application Forms Educational Assistance to Children of Women Headed Families-Application Form

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