Maternity Benefit Programme (MBP)

Maternity Benefit Programme, a scheme for Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers (PW & LM) will help in improving health seeking behaviour and nutrition among the Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers to reduce the effects of under-nutrition namely stunting, wasting and other related problems. The scheme will be implemented using the platform of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) under Women and Child Development/Social Justice Department. The scheme envisages providing cash incentive to Rs. 5,000/- directly to the Bank/Post Office Account of PW & LM during pregnancy and lactation in response to individual fulfilling specific conditions as detailed below:-

Cash Transfer


Amount in Rupees

First Installment

  • Early Registration of Pregnancy


Second Installment

  • Received atleast one Antenatal checkup (after 6 months of pregnancy)


Third Installment

  • Child birth is registered

  • Child has received first cycle of BCG, OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or its equivalent/substitute












Target Group

Mother & Child


Guidelines Maternity Benefit Programme (MBP)

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