Identity card for Transgender persons

The Social Justice Department has rolled out an initiative for providing identity cards for Transgender persons in a bid to ensure that benefits of the government run welfare schemes reach transgenders. The Transgender Identity card application services have been made available online. Through this noble initiative the Department is moving forward from a manual process to a completely digitized platform.

The Transgender persons can log onto the website- for availing this service. The applicants can apply for ID cards from the link provided in the website. While filling up the online application form they must enter the necessary details like Name, Contact address and upload their photo and signature and submit the application.

The first level scrutiny of applications would be done at Directorate level and forwarded to District level officers and after the final approval, the application would be send for printing.The ID card Management system has been developed by C-DIT (Centre for Development of Imaging Technology).

This ID card will have a unique number which will be made mandatory for availing the services and benefits of the scheme that the Department has to offer to the Transgender community. The ID card will contain a hologram for ensuring security and avoiding duplication of ID card. The card upholds the Supreme Court judgment on right to self-identify one’s gender as male, female or transgender. 

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