Financial aid to Transgenders for Sex Reassignment Surgery

In 2014, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India passed a judgment upholding the rights of equality and equal protection for transgender community. Kerala is the first State to unveil the Transgender policy which covers all categories of Transgenders and emphasizes on attaining a just society for such marginalized groups. Social Justice Department under the Kerala Govt. has launched several noble initiatives for safeguarding the rights of TG community and mainstreaming them.

Majority of Transgender people often experience Gender diversity which involves conflict between their biological sex and gender identity. As an alternative to solve this gender diversity the transgender persons often resort to Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS). Surgical transition may include several procedures and is complicated and expensive. As a helping hand for the TG community, Social Justice Department has formulated a scheme which provides financial assistance to Transgender persons for undergoing sex reassignment surgery. The maximum amount of financial assistance will be upto Rs. 2 lakh.


  • The applicants must possess Transgender Identity cards.

  • Address proof (Aadhar, Voters ID).

  • Medical Report regarding the SRS from the Hospital and declaration from the concerned Doctor and original bills needed.

  • Must have completed 18 years of age.

  • Bank account details with IFSC code.

  • Self-declaration statement (as included in the application form)

How to apply:-

Transgender persons who have undergone first session of gender reassignment surgery and final phase of SRS can apply under this scheme along with supporting documents to Director, Social Justice Department.

Target Group



GOs Financial aid to Transgenders for Sex Reassignment Surgery
Application Forms Financial aid to Transgenders for Sex Reassignment Surgery

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