Search Office Order by Number/Date/Subject
Sl No. | Order No | Order Date | Subject | Publishing Date |
2326 | ICDS .A6 - 9020 /14 | 03-07-2014 | School Counselling Centres functioning | 20-10-2017 |
2327 | AC2 / 28102 /07 | 04-07-2014 | DSJO, Kozhikode-Departmental audit reg. | 20-10-2017 |
2328 | C2 - 16309 /14 | 02-07-2014 | IMG - Justice Oriented Institutional management-Training programme | 20-10-2017 |
2329 | E5 - 26347 /14 | 02-07-2014 | Attn all DSJOs- LA - Unstarred question No. 1925- Most urgent | 19-10-2017 |
2330 | ICPS 5 / 13252 /14 | 02-07-2014 | ICPS - Media Talent Management | 19-10-2017 |
2331 | C2 - 16251 /14 | 02-07-2014 | Training on Innovations in Governance from 7th to 9th July 2014- IMG | 19-10-2017 |
2332 | E5 - 5506 /14 | 02-07-2014 | Right to service act reg.- Unstarred question no. 4982 | 19-10-2017 |
2333 | A2 - 5496 /14 | 02-07-2014 | Attn sub officers-Audit adalath reply reg. | 19-10-2017 |
2334 | ICDS.A4 - 10146 /14 | 27-06-2014 | Anganwadi training-complaint reg. | 19-10-2017 |
2335 | C3 / 12067 /14 | 27-06-2014 | Vehicle on rental basis- Programme offices@CDPOs | 19-10-2017 |
2336 | ICDS / B1-23478 /14 | 01-07-2014 | സാമൂഹ്യ പാഠങ്ങൾ എന്ന വിഷയം സംബന്ധിച്ച മീറ്റിംഗ് | 19-10-2017 |
2337 | ICDS / A6 - 14555 /12 | 26-06-2014 | Psychosocial service -School counsellors reg. | 19-10-2017 |
2338 | ICDS.A3 - 18555 /14 | 26-06-2014 | Attn all CDPOs@Supervisors | 19-10-2017 |
2339 | ICDS . A1 - 245 /14 | 21-06-2014 | Purchase of Pre-school kits | 19-10-2017 |
2340 | ICPS -SCPS2 /17237 / 14 | 24-06-2014 | ICPS allotment 2014-15- Day to day expense | 19-10-2017 |
2341 | ICPS3 / 17315 / 14 | 28-06-2014 | Permission to visit and conduct research at GCH@GOH | 19-10-2017 |
2342 | IT / 18634 /2013 | 30-06-2014 | Biometric punching reg | 19-10-2017 |
2343 | C2 -25450 /14 | 27-06-2014 | Probation officer grade II-In-service training reg. | 19-10-2017 |
2344 | E1 / 25445 /14 | 27-06-2014 | ജീവനക്കാര്യം-ഐ.സി.ഡി.എസ് പരിശീലപ പരിപാടി | 19-10-2017 |
2345 | E1 / 25233 /14 | 26-06-2014 | ഐ.സി.ഡി.എസ്-ബാലുശ്ശേരി-അവധി അനുവദിക്കുന്നത്-ഉത്തരവ് | 19-10-2017 |
2346 | ICDS / B6 - 19165/14 | 27-06-2014 | Reply for Right To Information question reg. | 18-10-2017 |
2347 | G.O .(M.S) No . 31 / 2012 / SWD | 30-05-2012 | Anganwadi Worker @ Helper Transfer reg. | 18-10-2017 |
2348 | 26-05-2014 | Minutes of review meeting of Programme Officers | 18-10-2017 | |
2349 | C2- 25450 /14 | 24-06-2014 | Probation Officer Grade II-In-service training | 18-10-2017 |
2350 | ICDS . B3 - 14264 / 13 | 23-06-2014 | അനുപൂരക പോഷകാഹാര പദ്ധതി 2013-14- 4th Quarter reg. | 18-10-2017 |