Search Office Order by Number/Date/Subject
Sl No. | Order No | Order Date | Subject | Publishing Date |
2001 | F3 /38167 /14 | 05-12-2014 | വിവരാവകാശം @ മറുപടി - സംബന്ധിച്ച് | 07-11-2017 |
2002 | A4 - 32240 /14 | 01-12-2014 | DORE 2014-15- Monthly DORE anomalies reg. | 07-11-2017 |
2003 | ICPS -3 / 031432 /14 | 28-11-2014 | Attn all Supdts of GCHs@GOHs-ICPS-3@031432@14 | 07-11-2017 |
2004 | ICPS3 /031436 /14 | 25-11-2014 | Attn Supdts of GCHs@Spl Childrens Home-RTI Act reply reg. | 07-11-2017 |
2005 | ICDS A6 - 20170 /14 | 01-12-2014 | Counsellors Training | 06-11-2017 |
2006 | Programme officers review meeting- Minutes reg. | 06-11-2017 | ||
2007 | സ .ഉ(കൈ ) 37/2014ഉഭപവ | 10-11-2014 | Recognition of Kerala State Social Justice Employees Association-G.O issued | 06-11-2017 |
2008 | A3 - 13001 /14 | 25-11-2014 | Budget 2014-15- Intercaste marriage fund reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2009 | ICDS .B3 - 18367 /14 | 07-11-2014 | Project wise details of Allotment -SNP-2014-15-1st Quarter | 06-11-2017 |
2010 | AWWF/ D2 - 103 / 2014 | 13-11-2014 | AWWF@D2-103@2014--Anganwadi Helpers@Workers pension reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2011 | ICPS - 4 / 17134 /14 | 30-10-2014 | CWC@JJB members sitting fee reg | 06-11-2017 |
2012 | ICDS /B6 - 9684 /14 | 28-10-2014 | Anganwadi functionaries complaints reg | 06-11-2017 |
2013 | ICPS 2 / 031316 /2014 | 05-11-2014 | സംസ്ഥാന ബാലാവകാശ സംരക്ഷണ കമ്മീഷന്റെ സംവാദം 2014 -സംബ. | 06-11-2017 |
2014 | C2 - 13006 /2014 (2) | 31-10-2014 | Strengthening of Probation system reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2015 | R & D - 30500 /14 | 04-11-2014 | Training programme-Framework for Govt-R&D-30500@14 | 06-11-2017 |
2016 | ICDS .A4 - 112 / 14 | 01-11-2014 | Supervisors refresher training- Deputing officials reg | 06-11-2017 |
2017 | WPC No. 27588@2014- Very URGENT | 06-11-2017 | ||
2018 | ICDS /B5 -21589 /14 | 25-10-2014 | Conducting of Mothers meeting in Anganwadis reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2019 | TC3.382 /14 | 10-10-2014 | ഹ്രസ്വകാല പരിശീലനം -2014 October reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2020 | ICDS /A4 -22169 /14 | 23-10-2014 | വികസന പരിശീലന കേന്ദ്രം -സൂപ്പർവൈസർമാരെ നിയോഗിച്ചു-സംബ. | 06-11-2017 |
2021 | ICDS /A4 -9321 /14 | 23-10-2014 | MIS Training 2nd phase- EKM, KKD region | 06-11-2017 |
2022 | ICPS - 3 / 31231/14 | 20-10-2014 | State Level Consultation -JJ Home Supdts reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2023 | ഡെപ്യുട്ടേഷൻ വ്യവസ്ഥയിൽ നിർഭയ സെല്ലിൽ അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു | 06-11-2017 | ||
2024 | A4 - 32240 /14 | 17-10-2014 | Reconciliation -Circular reg. | 06-11-2017 |
2025 | ICDS /B6 - 19761 /14 | 15-10-2014 | Complaint of Anganwadi Workers@Helpers | 06-11-2017 |