Search Office Order by Number/Date/Subject
Sl No. | Order No | Order Date | Subject | Publishing Date |
1976 | ICDS /A4 - 9321 /14 | 15-12-2014 | MIS training-State level resource persons reg | 09-11-2017 |
1977 | ICDS / B1 -22926 /14 | 12-12-2014 | CIMR Educational Curriculum project implementation reg. | 09-11-2017 |
1978 | ICPS - 3 / 43454 /13 | 09-12-2014 | CWC@JJB- Building construction reg | 09-11-2017 |
1979 | ICPS -3 / 031185 /14 | 10-12-2014 | JJ (Care & Protection of children)-Distribution of copy of rules reg. | 09-11-2017 |
1980 | ICDS / A2 - 39124 /14 | 09-12-2014 | ശാരീരികമാനസിക വെല്ലുവിളികൾ നേരിടുന്നവരുടെ സെൻസസ് 2014-15 | 09-11-2017 |
1981 | ICDS .B3 -20890 /14 | 29-11-2014 | Attn all Programme officers-THRS Bank Account-Refund reg. | 09-11-2017 |
1982 | ICDS .A2 - 20277 /14 | 11-12-2014 | Programme officers review meeting reg | 09-11-2017 |
1983 | ICDS .A6 .9020 /14 | 11-12-2014 | Psychosocial Service project-School Counsellors Honorarium reg. | 09-11-2017 |
1984 | ICDS .B3 - 18367 /14 | 07-11-2014 | അനുപൂരക പോഷകാഹാര പദ്ധതി 2014-15 സംബ | 07-11-2017 |
1985 | ICPS - 2 / 31976 /14 | 11-12-2014 | Video Conference on 15th-Dec-2014 for DCPUs & Supdts | 07-11-2017 |
1986 | ICDS .A2 - 20277 /14 | 10-12-2014 | Programme officers review meeting reg. | 07-11-2017 |
1987 | C2 - 13006 /14 (2) | 10-11-2014 | Two day workshop- Strengthening of probation system | 07-11-2017 |
1988 | G4 - 34898 /14 | 03-12-2014 | Attn all Supdts of Old age Homes@HPH-G4-34898@14 | 07-11-2017 |
1989 | ICDS /A6 - 46612 / 08 | 09-12-2014 | Kishori Shakthi Yogana-Napkin vending machine reg. | 07-11-2017 |
1990 | A3 - 13001 /14 | 20-10-2014 | LSGD Fund allotment reg | 07-11-2017 |
1991 | A3 -13001 /14 | 20-10-2014 | LSGD Fund allotment reg | 07-11-2017 |
1992 | ICDS /A3 - 20081 /14 | 09-12-2014 | Job Training Course for CDPOs 19 Jan-19 Feb 2015 | 07-11-2017 |
1993 | ICDS /A3 - 21932 /14 | 09-12-2014 | Refresher Course for CDPOs from 5th to 9th January 2015 | 07-11-2017 |
1994 | ICDS /A4 - 9321 /14 | 09-12-2014 | MIS Training- 3rd phase implementation reg. | 07-11-2017 |
1995 | ICDS /B2 - 22300/13 | 06-12-2014 | State Award for Anganwadi functionaries | 07-11-2017 |
1996 | ICPS -5 /31619 /14 | 04-12-2014 | ICPS - DCPU Ernakulam - Office Bulding - Rent Regarding | 07-11-2017 |
1997 | PDMC-2 / 24194 /10 | 06-12-2014 | Notification- SCPS, SPSU Rank list reg | 07-11-2017 |
1998 | R & D / 27374 /14 (2) | 06-12-2014 | State Gender Policy- Training programme 11,12 December 2014 reg. | 07-11-2017 |
1999 | ICDS /C1-1749 /13 | 05-12-2014 | Monthly Progress Report- Uploading in MIS reg | 07-11-2017 |
2000 | ICPS4/31554/2014 | 29-11-2014 | ICPS- DCPU employees wages reg | 07-11-2017 |