Search Office Order by Number/Date/Subject
Sl No. | Order No | Order Date | Subject | Publishing Date |
1626 | G4 -11699 /15 | 04-05-2015 | Free Medical treatment for inmates of welfare institutions | 21-11-2017 |
1627 | C2 / 11239 /15 (1) | 06-05-2015 | Computer Training IMG Kochi | 21-11-2017 |
1628 | C2 /11239 /15 (2) | 06-05-2015 | Computer Training IMG Thiruvananthapuram | 21-11-2017 |
1629 | ICDS .A2 -21450 /13 | 06-05-2015 | Result Frame Work Document Report-Rectifying anomalies reg. | 21-11-2017 |
1630 | C2 / 11239 /15 | 05-05-2015 | Trainer development programme-Deputing officials reg. | 21-11-2017 |
1631 | ICDS .B3 -5388 /15 | 04-05-2015 | WBNP 2015-16 First quarter requirement reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1632 | C2 /11239 /15 | 05-05-2015 | SJD- Trainer Development Programme- Officers Appointed reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1633 | C3 -11187 /15 | 05-05-2015 | Urgent-Official vehicles- Details collection reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1634 | ICDS .A2 - 7437 /15 | 04-05-2015 | Anganwadi admission for children below 6 years reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1635 | C3 /11188 / 2015 | 20-04-2015 | കീഴ്ക്കാര്യാലയങ്ങളിലേക്ക് വാഹനം വാടകയ്ക്ക് എടുക്കുന്നത് സംബന്ധിച്ച് | 20-11-2017 |
1636 | I.T / 41801 /2013 | 25-04-2015 | E-kshema Training programme on 4-May-2015 | 20-11-2017 |
1637 | C2 /13019 /15 | 02-05-2015 | Training Programme on Child Rights-Deputing officers reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1638 | D.C.P.O (T.S.R) /24 /2015 | 02-05-2015 | Various posts on contract basis at Trissur District Child Protection Unit | 20-11-2017 |
1639 | ICDS .A6 - 7666 /15 | 02-05-2015 | Psycho social Services - school counsellor - TA | 20-11-2017 |
1640 | D.B 3 /753 /12 /സിഇ / തസ്വഭവ | 02-05-2015 | ICDS- NABARD -RIDF -Anganwadi building construction - Fund allotment | 20-11-2017 |
1641 | ICPS -3 /17862 /14 (2) | 18-04-2015 | attn to CWC,DCPO-POCSO rules support person | 20-11-2017 |
1642 | ICPS -3 /17862 /14 (1) | 18-04-2015 | attn to all DCPOS@DCPO - support person | 20-11-2017 |
1643 | ICPS -3 / 031673 /14 | 24-04-2015 | attn to all DCPOS state intictive for child protection | 20-11-2017 |
1644 | G.O .(P) No . 575 /2014 / ധന | 23-12-2014 | Bala santhwanam-2014 | 20-11-2017 |
1645 | ICDS /B2 - 20100 /14 | 28-04-2015 | State Award 2013-14 for best Anganwadi functionaries reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1646 | ICDS / A4 -6862 /15 | 28-04-2015 | Refresher Training programme for CDPOs at NIPCCD Bangalore | 20-11-2017 |
1647 | ICDS /A3 -7061 /15 | 25-04-2015 | Annual Survey 2015-16-Guidelines reg. | 20-11-2017 |
1648 | ICDS /B2-29942 /13 | 27-04-2015 | Attn Programme officers, CDPOs-ECCE Training reg | 20-11-2017 |
1649 | ICDS .A4 -52533 /15 | 29-04-2015 | Refresher Training of Supervisors | 20-11-2017 |
1650 | C2 -11239 /15 | 27-04-2015 | Computer Training | 20-11-2017 |